Research exchange at the Universidad de Castilla–La Mancha.
I visited the Universidad de Castilla–La Mancha in Ciudad Real, central Spain. I had a discussion about models with Professor Ángel Yustres Real, and Professor Vicente Navarro gave me a lecture on analysis. It was a very good visit, as I was able to gain a new perspective.
Master's thesis and graduation thesis reviews for 2024 have been completed.
The master's thesis and graduation thesis reviews for the class of 2024 have been completed.Although there may have been some inconvenience in communicating with your supervisor online, all of you worked very hard until the end and produced excellent research and theses. Thank you very much for your hard work!
Research exchange at Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic)
I had a chance to meet Dr. Bhargavi, who wan in same room at the University of Tokyo, and we had a presentation and discussion at Charles Univesity in Prague, Czech Republic. It was a very meaningful stay, and we had discussions that may lead to future collaborations.
New undergraduate students joined our lab members!
Three new undergraduate students (Rintaro Ban, Taichi Fujiwara, and Kazuya Matsuda) have joined our lab. Let's make our laboratory more exciting and make it a better research group!
Layout changes to meeting space
The layout of the online meeting space has been changed and coffee breaks are now available.I hope students will seek a more comfortable environment and do your best in your research!
Temporarily returned to Japan.
After the workshop in Kitakyushu on September 20, I dropped by NIT. It was a busy but fulfilling day with chatting, lunch (sushi), research meeting, experiment room check, and dinner (izakaya). Although we see each other frequently in online meetings, it was fun to talk to each other in person. I know I will be […]
Graduate School Recommendation Examination (Ueno Yuna, B4 student)
On July 1, Ms. Yuna Ueno took the entrance examination for the graduate school recommendation. It must have been very hard work for her to prepare for the exam in the absence of her supervisor. Thank you very much for your hard work.Thank you to the seniors for organizing the party.
Presentation, international conference, etc.
It's been a month since my stay in Barcelona and I'm getting settled in.I had a chance to introduce my research and we had discussions, and I got some hints of phenomena that I need to think about in the future.There was also an international conference on a site investigation, and many participants from Japan […]
Nagoya ↔ Barcelona online research activities
Kyokawa will be in Barcelona for his overseas research, so we will be online in Nagoya↔Barcelona for a year.We have prepared many experiments and analyses, and I think members in Japan have enough ability and motivation. I am sure that we will be able to continue our good research. Let's do our best!
Experiment room re-re-movement is completed.
I feel like I have been doing nothing but moving and cleaning my laboratory since I arrived here, but I am finally settled in my experimental environment. I will keep things tidy, safe, and produce good results. We will also continue to introduce our equipment on our website.